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Robert Burns-the national poet of Scotland
30.10.2010, 11:58

Robert Burns-the national poet of Scotland


Образовательные: практика речевой деятельности, активизация лексики по теме «famous writers», расширение словарного запаса

Воспитательные: развитие интереса к изучению английского языка, к культуре Великобритании, расширение кругозора, развития чувства красоты художественного

Развивающие: развитие умения высказать свое мнение на английском языке, развитие межпредметных связей

Форма занятия: кружок

Оснащение: книги стихов Р. Бернса, портрет поэта, проектор, экран, магнитофон

Ход занятия:


  1. Орг. момент

       Т.:Good afternoon, everybody! Glad to see you. Dear friends! You are at the meeting of our English club, dedicated to the great Scottish poet Robert Burns.

            I hope that all of you will take an active part in our work. We will speak about  Robert Burns, his life, his beautiful poems and songs


      2. Warming up

           To begin with I want to know who your favourite writers are. ( contemporary )

           Do you like poetry?

           Who are your favourite  poets?

           Have you read any poems after  Robert Burns?


  1. Прослушивание записи разговора о Р. Бернсе (р.176)

First you will hear a group of people speaking about  Robert Burns. Your task to learn some facts of Robert Burns biography and later use them when we have a talk about him.


4. Чтение поэмы.

In his poems Robert Burns created his own world. Lets read an extract from his poem

P.1: There was a lad was born in Kyle.

       But what na day o’ what na style,

       I doubt it’s hardly worth the while.

       To be sae nise wi’Robin

P.2: The gossip keekit in his loof,

        Qou scho who lives will see the proof,

        This waly boy will benae coof,

        I think we’ll ca’ hin Robin

P.3: He’ll hae misfortunes great and sma’,

        But ay a heart aboon them a’

       He’ll be a credit till us a’

       We’ll a’ be proud o’Robin

T.: As you see, R. Burns’ poems are written in Scottish dialect. Now will you read the translation

P.4: В деревне парень был рожден,

        Но день, когда родился он,

        В календари не занесен.

        Кому был нужен Робин?

        Разжав младенческий кулак,

        Гадалка говорила так:

        - Мальчишка будет не дурак,

        Пускай зовется Робин!

        Немало ждет его обид,

        Но сердцем  все он победит.

        Парнишка будет знаменит,

        Семью прославит Робин!

T.: The fortune-teller told that Robin would be famous. And she was right. He became famous not only in Scotland and Great Britain, but all over the world. His life was short, he died at the age of 37. Let’s recollect the most important dates of his biography.


5  1) Task 1: Match the dates with the facts of R. Burns’ life

1. 1759              a) Robert was sent to school, but his school days did not last long as their

                              teacher left the school. Burns’ father employed a tutor for his sons so

                              they got a good education                         

     2. 1765         b) He was born in Alloway, on the 25th  of January

     3. 1772         c) He wrote his first poem " Handsome Nell”. It was written for a girl   

                              who worked in the field with him

     4. 1773         d) He had to begin working on the farm as his family was poor

     5. 1786         e) He married Jean Armour, the daughter of a rich master-mason

     6. 1788         f) He published his first volume of poems chiefly in Scottish dialect

     7. 1796         g) He died on the 21st of July in Dumfries


( Key: 1-b,  2-a,  3-d,  4-c,  5-f,  6-e,  7-g )




     Task 2

     T: Now I see that you know some facts from R. Burns biography. But I want to know what         you think of R. Burns education. Was if good enough or not? Do you know who his tutor was? ( John Murdoch )


Task 3

T: I have got some facts of R. Burns s biography, but I am not sure if they are true or false. Would you help me?

Say if the facts are true or false. If they are false, correct them.

1.      R. Burns travelled all over the world. He was interested in Scottish and English songs, legends and poems ( It is false. He travelled only around Scotland )

2.      He was a ploughboy and at 13 he worked in the field  as mush as grown – ups.

( It is true )

                    3.   When Robert was 25 years old, his father died and he became the head of the     

                          family ( T )

                    4.   Robert fell in love with Jean Armour as she was the most beautiful girl in the

                          village ( T )                                

                    5.   Jean armour is parents wanted Jean to marry Robert Burns. ( F. They did not

              want Jean to marry Robert Burns, because he was poor )

6.      In 1788 Robert and Jean got married.  They had already had twins ( T )

7.      In last years of life Robert Burns lived in Dumfries with his family. He liked that old town for its beauty ( T )

8.      Jean had a beautiful voice. She sang his songs with great pleasure. Robert Burns composed songs for her. ( T )

9.      In his poems R. Burns glorified true love and friendship ( T )


6.      Reciting a poem. " a Red, Red Rose”. 

Listen to the poem " A Red, Red Rose” ( p.159 )

       Why do you think the spelling is unusual?

       Are there other cases of the kind in the poem?( luve, bonnie, gang, well ) They        

                         Examples of Scottish dialect.

                         As you see some words are reduced. Let’s try  to guess their meaning.

                         Task: Match a word in A with a word in B.

                                     A                                     B

1.      Luve                               a. of

2.      a                                     b. Go

3.      wi                                   c. all

4.      o                                     d. Love

5.      tho                                  e. with

6.      thow                               f. through

7.      thee                                d. ты 

8.      gang                               h. тебя

( Key: 1-d, 2-с, 3-е, 4-а, 5-f, 6-g, 8-b )

7.      Poem " My Heart is in the Highlands” (на карточках )

Под звуки шотланской музыки ребята восстанавливают стихотворение " В горах мое сердце”.

…………………………... my heart is not here,

my hearts in the Highlands ……………………

Farewell to  the Highlands…………………………...,

…………………………     the country of worth.

Wherever I wonder, ……………………………

…………………………… forever I love.



             Use these lines:

                              A - chasing the deer

                              My heart’s in the Highlands

                              Farewell to the north

                              Wherever I rove

                              The hills of the Highlands

                              The birth place of valour


T: Now listen to the poem and check your work. ( слушает кассету )

Task: Give English equivalents.

          В горах мое сердце

          Гоню я оленя, пугаю козу

          Север прощай,

          Отечество славы и доблести край.

          Прощайте, поникшие в бездну леса,

          Доныне я там.

T:  What is the main idea of this poem?

     What can you say about the Highlands?

     Do you know what the main occupation of Highlanders is? ( farming, fishing,hunting)

     You see, it is very difficult to translate Burns’ poems. But they were translate into   

                  Many languages. Do you know who is considered to be the best Russian translator of     

                  Burns poems? ( Marshak )

                  Thanks to Marshak we know and love Robert Burns.

                  Well, our meeting is coming to the end. Let’s finish if with the Scottish national song 

" Auld Lang Syne” composed by  R. Burns. It is often sung at the parties and meeting of friend all over the world. Today we shall honour  the memory of the great poet of Scotland by singing his song.

                    Should auld acquaiufanse be forgot

                    And never brought to mind!

                    Should auld acquaiufanse be forgot

                    And days of auld land syne!

                    For auld lanq syne, my dear,

                    For auld lang syne,

                    We’ll tak a cup o’kindness yet

                     For auld lang syne.

Our meeting is over. Thank you for being active. Good bye!   










































Task: Reconstruct the poem "My heart is in the Highlands





…………………………... my heart is not here,

my hearts in the Highlands ……………………

Farewell to  the Highlands…………………………...,

…………………………     the country of worth.

Wherever I wonder, ……………………………

…………………………… forever I love.



             Use these lines:

                              A - chasing the deer

                              My heart’s in the Highlands

                              Farewell to the north

                              Wherever I rove

                              The hills of the Highlands

                              The birth place of valour









Task: Reconstruct the poem "My heart is in the Highlands


…………………………... my heart is not here,

my hearts in the Highlands ……………………

Farewell to  the Highlands…………………………...,

…………………………     the country of worth.

Wherever I wonder, ……………………………

…………………………… forever I love.



             Use these lines:

                              A - chasing the deer

                              My heart’s in the Highlands

                              Farewell to the north

                              Wherever I rove

                              The hills of the Highlands

                              The birth place of valour








Task: Reconstruct the poem "My heart is in the Highlands


…………………………... my heart is not here,

my hearts in the Highlands ……………………

Farewell to  the Highlands…………………………...,

…………………………     the country of worth.

Wherever I wonder, ……………………………

…………………………… forever I love.



             Use these lines:

                              A - chasing the deer

                              My heart’s in the Highlands

                              Farewell to the north

                              Wherever I rove

                              The hills of the Highlands

                              The birth place of valour






Task: Reconstruct the poem "My heart is in the Highlands


…………………………... my heart is not here,

my hearts in the Highlands ……………………

Farewell to  the Highlands…………………………...,

…………………………     the country of worth.

Wherever I wonder, ……………………………

…………………………… forever I love.



             Use these lines:

                              A - chasing the deer

                              My heart’s in the Highlands

                              Farewell to the north

                              Wherever I rove

                              The hills of the Highlands

                              The birth place of valour


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